Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

In the final hours of 2007 there will be many people making resolutions. Some will be the normal, lose weight, eat better, drink less and of course visit family more.

For me personally I am very happy sending into 2008. I have some personal goals that I have set for 2008 and some professional ones as well. Goals are important of course and when you set them you should make sure you have a plan to hit them and that they are realistic in the first place.

Whatever your resolutions may be I wish you luck in meeting them and please have a Happy and Safe New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Making Things Right

Cleaning up a road is never a bad thing, right?

I know that I don't think that way. And neither do at least five other guys that helped me clean up one of our favorite road before the hordes of bikers were to hit it on New Year's Day.

Tortilla Flat, which is on AZ88 is a traditional spot to meet on Jan. 1 and being as such I was worried that the condition of the road in after the most recent storms would leave riders who are unfamiliar with the road in a bad way.

That bad way was lying in the road in the form of gravel and sand.

Well after today the road is a little better and a lot safer. I know that personally I will be happy for that!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

One More Off The List

Bartlett Lake 12-29-2007, yep I finally have ridden this road!

Kind of interesting considering all of the places I have ridden that I had not yet been on this road. I mean heck, it is only about 40 miles from my house and within the Valley.

I guess I can chalk it up to not knowing the road and always waiting to go with someone else, but now that I have gone I can certainly say I will be going again and soon. Thanks to my friend Rick the ride was safe and enjoyable and without a performance reward.

One thing is for certain, I will be getting a RADAR detector in the coming year, it is just getting a little too easy to get nailed and liking roads with stupid speed limits does not help.

2 more days and we start another they sure go fast!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Ready For More Riders?

Well, with assassinations (is it really an assassination when the person holds no office?) and all the other turmoil it seems we are headed for $4 a gallon for gasoline by Spring.

That means more people will be looking into better economy vehicles (read motorcycles.)

Hopefully as more people start riding, non-riders will start to see riders more often. Of course if we get a whole bunch of new riders maybe some day we can hope for a national lane splitting law, that will get us out of breathing fumes and off to cleaner air. I mean, that's the kind of green I am looking for.

As the year winds down, I am excited for 2008. I know, I have already stated that, but honestly if I could fast forward a few days, I probably would.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Yep folks it is that time of year, things are winding down and the end is near.

Not the end of days, just the end of the year. Yup, it is time to hang a new calendar and start fresh with a new year.

2008 holds promise as all years do, but honestly 2008 should prove to be a stellar year for fans of motorcycles and riding in the US of A.

The coming year will have more racing here in the US and even better coverage from abroad.

Now, if I could just find the police stealth mode on my bikes, everything would be fine.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Rocks

The best gifts are the surprise gifts that you never expect. Things
that you think are totally cool, but would never ask for. This year I
got the coolest ever from my wife. Heck, she even gave it to me early
so I could use it at track day. Nothing beats a cool pit vehicle. Now
does it?

Monday, December 24, 2007

Track Day Fun

Sometimes riders take it off the street. They do it for a variety of reasons, to go fast, to have bragging rights and then my favorite reason, to practice skills.

Practicing in an environment that is void of other traffic, pedestrians and the police has advantages. Attention still needs to be allocated to road conditions, but since the path is repetitive it certainly is not at the level of normal street riding.

If you ever want to hone your skills, practice in a safe controlled environment such as a Track Day.

I spent Sunday hanging with some friends and support TEAM AZ's track day by providing a tent and chairs for a new rider clinic. Hopefully this will grow in the future, because supporting safe riding is never a bad idea.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, that is One Fuzzy from the SWR Forums railing through the corner!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dab Nabit!!

If you ride enough you meet these guys, and they usually have their
hands out asking for money.

This guy was actually nice in the fact he gave me and my friend a "Wasting Finite Resourses" ticket. It is a way in AZ to collect cash without assigning points. They get revenue and we get no points. I wish all tickets were like this.

It was an awesome day for a ride, maybe just a little chilly, but awesome none the less.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Riding Does Have Risk

Practice practice practice and always ride within your limits, leaving extra space and time for any unforeseen complications or conditions....why?

Because you never know when you will need that extra limit to be able to save yourself. If you ride at the complete edge you'll never have a chance.

Take a look here as a friend follows me on a simple ride. I even warn the guys behind me of the road conditions ahead near the end and even knowing the road throws me a loop. If I would have hauled ass into this corner the outcome would have been a different film for sure.

Be aware, ride safe and live to ride another day!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bike Night

Hanging out, shooting the shit and having fun. Sometimes riding is
about the destination.

And, the friends you meet on the way.

Tonight I stopped by the TT Roadhouse in Scottsdale, AZ just for a
different pace.

Monday, December 17, 2007

We never listen, do we?

I think sometimes being a rider has to do with going places that just
don't or won't go. I had to not go to one of my favorite spots today
just to get this shot. But hey, it is the little things, right?

Friday, December 14, 2007

848 Unveiled!

Chris Rice of Ducati Superstore in Phoenix, AZ unveils the new Ducati

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Birthday to My Wife

They say behind all great men you will find an even better woman.

Today is my wife's Birthday, so I am doing the proper thing and giving
her an awesome day!

Complete of course with dinner and wine.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

GoPro Motorsports Unboxed!

I just received a GoPro Motorsports for review, you can find all the photos at the link below.

Click for Photos

Additionally, I will be posting an initial review in the next couple day and a more intense review later.

That Time of Year - Part II

If you are a guy and you have a wife/girlfriend, you know this view.

Ah yes, waiting for the shopping to get done. Hey, it is the price I
pay to ride pretty much all the times I want.

The good news is that the rain has stopped and we are just about ready
to roll!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Update! - Rain Still Sucks!

Man, I've about had it with the rain. Not only rain, but cold and it is tearing up the roads as well. Mostly just straight ones, so I guess that is OK.

They say we will be getting a break this coming weekend, but time will tell.

Oh and also, the cold, did I mention it is freeking cold?? As soon as the parties are over I am just diving into it and getting back in the swing of things, because honestly it is NOT that bad.

Good news is that today I sort of got the go ahead to ride to Ohio in July.

The planning will commence immediately!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Yeah, Yeah East Coast, Laugh It Up!

I always say we have 360 days of riding in Arizona, and that is true.

The issue is that those 5 days usually fall on the weekend and on a day I could actually ride.


Image from

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Day We Were Caught Off-Guard.

December 7, 1941, The Day that will live in Infamy.

Never did we think we the United States could be caught so Off-Guard.

Of course, we would be again....just 59 years, 9 months and 4 days later.

Every Year on THIS day I take pause to remember, to honor and to respect those who gave theirs lives to keep our country free.

Living in Arizona we hold the position of knowing our State with never be a named Battleship again, as our sits at the bottom of Pearl Harbor.

Let's try not to forget again...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bike Night Rocks!

Yes, I live I'm the best place on the world to enjoy bike night
outdoors in December!

This particular location is Hooters in Mesa, Arizona. The local Harley Dealership Chester's holds a bike night every Thursday and this one had the patio and inside packed.

Outside were a good 40 bikes of all sorts.

Wings, beer and Hooter's, does it get any better?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Happiness Delivered Daily

It is sight that brings glee to many a rider when thy are tied up
working and cannot ride.

Even though you are not riding at least you are getting new stuff!

That Time of Year

Yes, it is that most wonderful time of the year. Hopefully we have all
been good boys and girls and the big guy will bring us what we have
wished for all year long.

Only 20 days left, so get shopping for your favorite motorcycle gear!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Early Christmas!

About a week ago a friend of mine Dean asked if I could help hide a bike that he was buying for his wife Lisa and if I could also help clean it up before he gave it to her.

I of course had no issue, as I like to clean things and garage space I have.

So, Friday night he called up and even though it was pouring rain we headed over about 15 miles from my house to pick the bike up. Dean use the cover story that I would be helping him work on an electrical issue with his bike to geet away from the house.

The Bike was a 1998 Suzuki S1200 Bandit, not in bad shape, but very very dirty.

She spent the night and next day in my garage.

On Sunday Dean came over and we toiled away restoring the Bandit to her former glory. About 5 hours later the results were sparkling and Dean (being too excited to wait weeks more) took the bike home to his wife.

About 20 minutes later I got the text message that she LOVED the bike.

Since Dean had left his bike at my house he and Lisa returned later. She was beaming with the happiness of new ownership and I certainly can't wait for her to join us on some rides.

Merry Christmas Lisa!

Friday, November 30, 2007


Ok, so as much as I don't mind riding on the rain, it can kill a group

So, my day looks dark...if only I had a waterproof video camera....Hmmmm......

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Riding and Rain

"If want to cure your fear of rain, take a trip across the US, that will solve the issue!"

That's what I said to a friend tonight when he commented that he didn't like riding in rain.

Rain strikes fear into the hearts of many riders, you and old and also those will little to a lot of experience. The real key to conquering the fear really comes down to simply riding in the rain. Lucky for me I got caught in a downpour very early in my riding career and although I will admit that riding in sunshine is much better, I will not hesitate to jump on a bike (properly prepared of course) and head out into the rain. I've had full 11 hour days in the rain. Once you understand your gear, it is really quite refreshing.

So, the next time you are worried about rain, jump on your bike, take it easy and take a ride around the block. You'll find it is not that big a deal and before you know it, you will be a rain rider as well.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Parts Rock

There is nothing like a new part to get a motorcyclist's heart purring.

And if you take that part and customize it to match your bike, well all the better.

I can't stand to half-ass a job and I honestly like to making things like a factory would or better. I mean the cheap looking stuff is for others. I want strength and reliability.

Do it once and do it right!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Repairs / Maintenace SUCKS!

I've had issues with my Honda and with my Buell. My Honda has spent a good 3 months in the shop at different times, basically sitting waiting for someone to decide something. My Buell about 3 weeks for the same thing.

Only once did I actually get something fixed that I did not have to do myself, but I thought I would post up why this happens.

I recently posted this response to a guy who is having an issue with a chaffed wire on his wiring harness. The quick and proper solution would be to replace the harness. Of course that would mean that someone would have to cover the cost and admit it was not perfect to start is why.

The high level of seeming incompetence is in reality a mixture of indifference and our wonderful legal system.

Dealers want to sell bikes, do regular service and not deal with issues that require any thought. They think that any issues with design (even though they put bikes together) should be dealt with by the manufacturer. And if they didn't put the bike together or sell it to you, their attitude is one of a hurt child, who has to do their siblings chores while they are sick.

This attitude comes from years of consumers demanding cheaper prices, which has stripped a lot of profitability away from shops. That profitability used to pay for a couple extra techs, or allowed the salary of a really good one. That money is gone, and it paid for the time it takes to troubleshoot. Now, a bike that needs a few hours of looking at to isolate an issue has to wait, because without other work being done, the shop will not exist. That and what tech wants to work for free?

On the legal side we have the manufacturer.

They set up a repair guide and offer suggestions and a path for troubleshooting. If they vary from that, they must document it, and follow up to make sure it is not a widespread problem. IF it is a widespread problem, they must then issue a recall.

The bottom line is, if they replace your harness, they are admitting (or would appear to be admitting in a court of law) to a widespread problem and would be liable for that repair on ALL ST1300s, not just yours.

In the long run, your potential lawsuit for death or injury would cost less....(Sad, but true fact or the US legal system today.)

It is not about doing the morally correct thing, it is about doing the proper thing to remain a business that supports hundreds of thousands of employees.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Getting Chilly

Yes, the shadows are getting longer and the days shorter.

It is that time of year when the mercury doesn't move to the top of the tube here in the Valley of the Sun and for those of us who have been here long enough, we know the season is upon us.

Winter you say? No, not that mere meteorological reference to cold and dry, but the worst type of season for riders.

Snow Bird Season!

Yes, the idiots that have no clue how to drive, where they are going or even what to do in a parking lot when they get there. Not only do they not see motorcycles at all while on the road, they don't see them in parking lots as they back up into them.

What your plates folks and watch your back as well.

Now is the season to know your enemy and understand their actions. Obviously out of state plates are a danger sign, but watch for those Red AZ plates as well. A sure sign of a car that sits the summer and gets used in the Winter.

Idaho, Iowa and Ottawa are the big 3 dangers, know them well!!

Another to watch for is the rental cars, you can tell them as rental by the FLT in the expiration location on the tags.

While being aware of these slow moving obstacles the real danger is in other drivers and soccer moms looking to road rage their way around them. Watch yourself and plan an escape at all times.

Also, as I said before, watch your back, or more appropriately your mirrors. These cotton balls like to bump you because they get chatting with the other cotton balls in their land yachts, drift forward and bump into you.

Let's be careful out there folks, its open season!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday Ride

It is amazing how cold it can be in the morning here in the desert.

Today was yet another great day for a ride. A little chilly at 59 degrees in the morning, but things eventually warmed up.

Who wants to waste a day like this on shopping? Instead a group of us headed out to Tortilla Flat to have some good grub and chat a bit.

Then back to the house to set up Christmas decorations, a yearly tradition.

Hmm, Christmas is coming soon!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Birdman Gets Revenge!!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day Morning Ride

Nothing like a nice Holiday Morning for a beautiful ride.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Getting It Right

Today I continued working with Race Tech to get the Forks on the ST just right. I had been experiencing some pogoing and some instability in corners at speed. Lenny Albin the guru made some modifications after we fought with some of the Honda design shortcomings.

After a long day and rebuilding the forks about 5 times we think we are closer.

I did not get to do a full shake down ride as the day ran to night, but will give her a try tomorrow.

Can't wait!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Superstores Announced

Steve Walker (pictured here) announced today that both Ducati
Superstore and Triumph Superstore are official. Look for stock in the
Phoenix location within the next 10 days. or

Ducati & Triumph Superstore
5640 North 7th Street Phoenix AZ 85014
Phone: 602-864-1437 Fax: 602-274-4604

Look here for updates from the store.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Riding with Friends Rocks!!

Yes, it is true, riding by yourself can be fun, but add a great friend and you end up having even more of a blast.

Take my rides with this awesome woman, many know her as OneFuzzy (Stephanie,) she is not only a great rider but a blast to be around.

I mean how else would I get my very own Power Ranger Portrait!

Thanks Steph, can't wait for our next ride!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tech Day Live

Raven is the first to show!

Coffee is on!

Mark and Chris arrive.

Dan (danyon_canyon) and Tom (Dr. Tom) arrive.

More stuff to buy!

Disasembly begins.

Start of throttle body sync.

Clutch fluid change.

Beginning of Valve check.

Valve covers off. Dace says the timing hole cover is a 6mm and the crankshaft is a 10mm.

Ready to troubleshoot idle issue.

Full house.

Drazil checks his TB starter sync.

Mark explains radiator flushing.

After the last photo I had to start getting my hands dirty. I put the camera down and help to balance Dace's throttle bodies and then we got to the task of putting the bike together.

All buttoned up somewhere around 7 p.m. Dace (the first to arrive) was the last to leave with Damion (DZSV) and Drazil. A full day of activity and lots of fun.

Everything is back to normal, so it is probably time to rest for a while.

See ya soon!!