Thursday, November 29, 2007

Riding and Rain

"If want to cure your fear of rain, take a trip across the US, that will solve the issue!"

That's what I said to a friend tonight when he commented that he didn't like riding in rain.

Rain strikes fear into the hearts of many riders, you and old and also those will little to a lot of experience. The real key to conquering the fear really comes down to simply riding in the rain. Lucky for me I got caught in a downpour very early in my riding career and although I will admit that riding in sunshine is much better, I will not hesitate to jump on a bike (properly prepared of course) and head out into the rain. I've had full 11 hour days in the rain. Once you understand your gear, it is really quite refreshing.

So, the next time you are worried about rain, jump on your bike, take it easy and take a ride around the block. You'll find it is not that big a deal and before you know it, you will be a rain rider as well.

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