Sunday, December 2, 2007

Early Christmas!

About a week ago a friend of mine Dean asked if I could help hide a bike that he was buying for his wife Lisa and if I could also help clean it up before he gave it to her.

I of course had no issue, as I like to clean things and garage space I have.

So, Friday night he called up and even though it was pouring rain we headed over about 15 miles from my house to pick the bike up. Dean use the cover story that I would be helping him work on an electrical issue with his bike to geet away from the house.

The Bike was a 1998 Suzuki S1200 Bandit, not in bad shape, but very very dirty.

She spent the night and next day in my garage.

On Sunday Dean came over and we toiled away restoring the Bandit to her former glory. About 5 hours later the results were sparkling and Dean (being too excited to wait weeks more) took the bike home to his wife.

About 20 minutes later I got the text message that she LOVED the bike.

Since Dean had left his bike at my house he and Lisa returned later. She was beaming with the happiness of new ownership and I certainly can't wait for her to join us on some rides.

Merry Christmas Lisa!

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