Monday, August 10, 2009

Why Do I Ride? (Part 2 of 5)

If you ask most riders why they ride you'll hear a whole bunch of stuff. Usually it is feel good, wind in your hair, freedom of the road, if you have to ask blah blah stuff, that I myself have even stated to others, quite frequently. But recently I've changed my answer to something that is a whole lot more clear, and when another rider gets upset with my answer....well, I have to call BS.

I ride because it is dangerous.

Plain and simple, it is something that makes me different and it makes me feel alive. Not a drone stuck in a box moving through life one block at a time. I can use more of the road and can control how much or how little risk I can take almost every instance of a ride....including when I choose to sit still. This obsession called riding is easier to obtain than driving a race car, more easily repeatable than skydiving and a lot cheaper than a dozen other things that would give the same thrill. Now danger doesn't mean purposely placing myself in danger and don't confuse dangerous with a death wish, those two are completely different, as the goal when riding is not to die, nor is it to get closer to death!

Once I came to the above conclusion about riding it made it a lot easier to understand squids and other high risk takers, but honestly the discovery came because I finally met the complete opposite of a squid, which I though was a cager that doesn't understand bikes, but in reality, much, much worse.

What could be worse, than someone who doesn't understand riding slamming the draw to riding? Well, that would be a rider who believes the only proper way to ride is to ride so safely, it removes all the fun and excitement completely. I'll delve into this a bit more soon.

Anyway, back to my statement about danger. Anyone who has ridden with me, or talked to me would make the determination that I am more often than not safe. And those who would be quick to point out moments when I've taken risk would also have to say that I only put myself at risk. I don't dive head on at other vehicles, but honestly I understand the rush. (Just not gonna put myself there if it is avoidable.)

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