Friday, July 18, 2008

Ohio Trip - Numbers Tell The Story

I'm working on a very detailed story about my trip to Ohio and back but I thought I would share some numbers.

4242.2 - Total Miles Traveled
700 - Average Miles per day (3) on trip back
646 - Average Miles per day (3.25) on trip to Ohio
$404.86 - Total Gas Bill
$257.79 - Hotel Bill
$222.13 - Food Cost
$116.05 - Parts (Unexpected)
$9 - Tolls
6 - Number of times I thought I forgot to put on my glasses
3 - Number of nights in Hotels headed to Ohio
2 - Number of nights in Hotels headed back from Ohio
2 - Number of Bike Nights attended (Salem, OH and Sharon, PA)
2 - National Landmarks Visited
2 - Old National Highways Traveled (66 and 30)
2 - Number of days I was rained on.
2 - Number of times I saw police behind me with lights on.
1 - Numbers of days I was hailed on.
0 - Number of times I actually forgot to put on my glasses.
0 - Number of times stopped by police.

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