Sunday, April 13, 2008

Low Speed, High Concentration

Those are the words I would use to describe working an Ironman event on a motorcycle. Regardless if your duty was to carry a judge, a cameraman or even a tripod the task is one that requires 100% concentration, all day long.

The day starts simple enough with the end of the water race for the athletes and the beginning on the bike race. The pros exit the water, change over to their bikes and we begin the chase. For the first lap things are pretty easy, but that all changes quickly as the amateurs flood the streets and congest the narrow bike lanes as the pros start their second lap.

The tasks are low speed so advanced though must be given to the simplest of details and although you may be moving slowly sometimes bike riders make quick moves that require a solid decision on your part.

Three laps later the pro begin to exit the course but getting all of the athletes off of the course happens somewhere around 5 o'clock. By that time almost 200 miles get clocked on the ride and for some the task of filming the foot race begins.

If you want to challenge yourself and grow your concentration skill as a rider the Ironman is possible the ultimate challenge. A hard days work, but very rewarding. Ask anyone who has ever ridden one, it is something you must experience.

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