Sunday, March 16, 2008

OK, I Wimped Out.

On a ride, I'll explain in a second.

When planning for the Pahrump trackday I originally planned on riding. As the week before the trip progressed I was paying close attention to the forecast and I noticed an interesting trend. Since I have taken a few different long distance trips before I make sure to look at waypoints and not just the destination.

Looking at Mesa, AZ of Pahrump, NV the trip had a little potential for rain, but not much else. However, when I looked at Kingman, AZ I notice the chance of rain, but a temp in the 30's. I double checked and the forecast kept calling for rain, but understanding how water and altitude works, I knew snow or worse yet freezing rain was possible.

So, I decided to drive.

Guess what? I should be the forecaster!

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