Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Body Maintenance

We all know that we have to keep our bikes maintained, and regardless of how well we do things sometimes things happen. Well, it happens to us as well. So, what to do?

The obvious of course, you pull over and take a rest. Fix what's wrong and then back on the road.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:N 1st Pl,Show Low,United States

Monday, October 10, 2011

Breakfast is Served

{I posted this the morning of Oct 8th and found it never posted via my iPhone, so here it is.}

Here I sit, ready to eat breakfast and at the beginning of my second winter in Show Low, AZ. The last year has been one of discovery and growth personally, and one of struggles and adaptation financially. I've made some compromises to make money and on one side I've discovered a new area of expression that is rewarded both with some pay and gratitude. On the other has been complete frustration as the individuals involved not only don't have any vision or direction, but they are unable or unwilling to communicate either. I've decided it is time to turn back to what I know works, to maintain my line, look ahead and simply ride my life.

Steve Job's death has happened at a very good time to wake me up. It has made me revisit his words and look at how they apply to my life. That and the timing of training opportunities is also the perfect springboard that gives me comfort in being that square peg in a round hole.

I have a lot to offer the world in insight, understanding and the ability to be calm in chaos. To those who want to share and learn welcome aboard. To those who want to be disrespectful and ignorant, well you know what to do.

It is a new day and breakfast is served.

- Posted Live and on The Road.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

No really, I'm not Dead!

And I've not forgotten how to blog. I've just been pretty tied up getting things established in my life.

So far, so good.

In the last 30 days I've gotten in 2 very nice rides, I've established a new location to teach Total Control and I'm having fun taking photos as well.

This girl liked my bike so much I told her to jump on for a shot, right after I had finished up a different shoot in a classified location.

I'm looking forward to the summer and I'll be now blogging more consistently. See ya soon, on the road, the range and on the web.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Location, New Perspective

I've had a few changes in my life recently, one of the major ones is the location in which I live. No longer am I an hour away from twisty roads, instead I'm minutes away. Now, with this new location comes something else......Snow!

Having lived in the Valley of the Sun for the last 13 years I had gotten used to riding just about whenever I waned to, heck even bad weather there wasn't that bad. Of course the summer's are a bit exhausting and while you can ride year round, most don't.

My new locale is Show Low, which is located about 3 hours North and East of the Valley, it sits at the North entrance of Salt River Canyon, has the North Side of 260 on one side and the North end of the 191 (The Coronado Trail or Devil's Highway) on the other. So despite some down time the riding location is superb. As I continue to settle in and get my life here in some sort of flow I'll be writing about the differences from Valley riding and how a new perspective affects my riding.

The first thing that I'll mention about higher elevation and cooler weather is that my Jacket choice is a lot better. It is great to be able to be comfortable in leather and not sweating like crazy when stopped or standing still. Additionally it is great to not have to deal with scalding heat at a red light or stopped in traffic (not that the traffic up North is anything like the Valley.)

I look forward to the spring and meeting up with folks traveling through Show Low, it is sure to be a brand new way to connect with other riders, hear different stories and with my new job I'll be able to tell those stories in a more interactive way.

So, I'm glad to be back on the Blog and look for more from me soon!

Till then, Ride Safe and never forget to Have Fun!