Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Undiscovered Country

What's The Best Ride?

If you ride regularly, at some point, regardless of how exciting the roads in your area may be you'll find yourself on a new road. Now this may be just a different path or in most cases something completely different. Adding new rides by venturing outside of your normal path will yield not that much different of a riding experience as you'll simply go from what you know to something along the same path. But, as I said eventually you'll step out of your comfort zone and head out to places you've never been before and that is when adventure begins.

What's Next?

If you start one morning and point you bike in a direction, start riding and stop at night you'll find yourself in a place you most likely have never been. Continue a couple more days and then you'll really be in a position to discover things you've not seen before. While the US is made of mostly the same types of roads, how those roads cut through the terrain and how nature sculpts its way around those cuts varies differently.

The type of road you love where you live may not even compare to the new ones you discover and may even seem more challenging or thrilling. This is of course due to how new things are and the fact that without the knowledge of the road, how it curves and where the normal dangers may lie a rider must approach it with respect. Typically this means a slower pace and occasionally has the quintessential butt pucker moment. But even the most safety conscious rider will encounter a raised sense of awareness and will experience a usually higher level of euphoria than they experience on their normal route.

Over the years I've heard tales of this road and that road and have ventured out to ride them and discover for myself what is better and what is just truly different. I've found that while some of the "Great Rides" are simply better because of the overall experience and the hype, they are simply better in a sense because they are different. That being said I have also found that there are roads, that once you take a look past the newness can ready hold their own when it comes to being a better ride. I've found that roads around the ones that are all the rage usually deliver a similar experience, all without all the other riders...

To me the best road is one with the proper amount of curves, well paved and sometimes completely traffic free. I have my favorites, but don't really share.

I mean, if I told everyone, they would not remain the way I like them, yes?