FRESH OIL It is a sign I never really like to see while riding and I'm not alone.
Well, that sign means that uncertainly lies ahead immediately, but in future the road will be better. Nobody likes construction while is occurs. But if it does not get done we end up with a crappy road, which is far worse than any construction honestly.
So, here we are on the AZ88 and Phase 2 of a paving project is ending, but hopefully this is not the end...
Yes, the road to Tortilla Flat is in horrible disarray and needs paved badly. You would think with all the revenue created and paid on this roadway (I know I have made my contribution) it would be the best paved road in AZ. But no, it is falling apart, much like the economy of our State has in the hands of our current Governor.
I've learned that a Phase 3 is on the table just waiting for funds and that remarkably a Phase 4 exists, yet we are seriously unlikely to see it happen with the current leadership.
Time will tell, but in a couple weeks the first two phases will be beautiful traction.